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7 bad driving habits you shouldn't pick up after your Driving Lessons Sheffield

Many people after taking Driving Lessons Sheffield slip into bad habits and we would just like to point a few out to make sure you haven't slipped away from what you have been taught. Sheffield is a busy place and it's very easy to forget what you have been taught in all the chaos!

1. Driving whilst using a mobile phone

Driving whilst using a mobile phone is not only illegal but dangerous as well. When driving you should have full attention on the road because it only takes a split second for situations to change. If you are caught using a mobile phone whilst driving then you will gain 3 points on your driving licence. You are only allowed 6 points on your licence within the first two years of driving and you are banned for 6 months. After the two years are up you are allowed up to 12, although we advice you to not get any!

2. Tailgating

Tailgating is very dangerous. As you are taught on your Driving Lessons Sheffield you need to keep your two second rule in between you and the car in front. This is an instant fail on your driving test because if the person in front decides to break abruptly you don't have enough stopping distance or thinking time to be able to react and it will cause an accident. Common situations where there has been a pile up of 4 or 5 cars on a dual carriageway because a number of cars were tailgating.

3. Getting lazy with indicators

Getting lazy with indicators can cause other drivers to misread your intentions and this is how accidents happen. You are taught how to use your indicators correctly in all situations on your Driving Lessons in Sheffield and should continue to do so after you have passed. Sheffield is a big and vibrant city, you need to let other drivers around you know your intention.

4. Not wearing a seat belt

Seat belts are there for a reason and although you may not like wearing them, they could save your life in the event of an accident. As the driver you only have a legal obligation to make sure anyone under the age of 14 is wearing a seat belt or the seat belts is strapped to a child restraint in your car. Anyone over the age of that is legally responsible for their own seat belt. You should have been taught from a young age how to wear your seat belt but if you haven't then your Driving Instructors will show you and make sure you get into the habit of wearing a seat belt as well as explain your legal obligations.

5. Parking in inconvenient places

As you are taught on your Driving Lessons you should park somewhere safe, convenient and legal as well as been taught what these three things mean. Double parking and blocking the road is not convenient for other drivers and most of the time illegal. Parking on a turning of a junction is not safe, convenient or legal, and so on. If you apply these 3 rules to anywhere you want to park then you should never go wrong and never pick up a bad parking habit, or even worse a fine!

6. Speeding through amber lights

No driver ever wants to be the one that the light turns red on so people try to speed through on amber when they know they shouldn't. There are lots of traffic lights in the city of Sheffield, so it is important that you plan and scan far enough in front to be able to see traffic lights and anticipate if you will be needing to stop in order to avoid any abrupt breaking.

7. Drivers who don't drive the speed limit

We're not on about drivers who speed here, we are talking about the people who go 10 or 15 miles per hour in a 40 zone when it's not necessary. You would fail for doing this on your driving test and are always taught to go the speed limit if it is clear and safe to do so when on your Driving Lessons in Sheffield.

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