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Driving schools in Leeds explain seatbelt laws why they are important
All good driving schools in Leeds should make you aware of these laws and why they are so important to road safety. While on your driving lessons your instructors should always check until you get used to putting on your own seat belt that you are wearing it.
The law says a seatbelt should always be worn if one is fitted in the car. A seat belt is for your own safety as well as others and from a young age you should have been taught how to wear it correctly. It is also very important for baby restraints to be strapped in using seat belts because it can save the baby’s life.
The law states that any person in the car of the age of 14 or over is responsible to put their own seat belts on and anyone under the age of 14 it is the driver’s responsibility to make sure they are wearing a seat belt or use a child restrain with the seat belt attached to that.
If you don’t use a seat belt correctly then it can be more dangerous that not using one at all. Taking time to ensure that seat belts are used correctly it can save so many lives. It is also equally as important to keep younger passengers safe and secure in child restraints.
The only way you can not wear a seat belt is by been excluded on medical grounds. For this you need a certificate of exemption from compulsory seat belt wearing.
This allows a passenger or driver not to wear a seat belt.
When you next get into your car you should remember that putting your seat belt on could save your life also remember that you are responsible for anybody who is in the car and below the age of 14 get their seat belt on too!
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