Mission Details
  • Domain Name: www.justdriving.net
  • Competitor Domain: www.billplant.co.uk, www.drivinglessonsleeds.co.uk, leedsdrivinglessons.com, www.go-driving-tuition.co.uk, www.bsm.co.uk, www.edrivingschool.co.uk, www.learnerdriving.com
  • Searching for keywords? YES
  • Keywords: "driving lessons", "driving schools", "driving school", "driving instructors", "driving instructor", "driving lessons leeds", "driving schools leeds", "driving school leeds", "driving instructors leeds", "driving instructor leeds", "driving lessons bradford", "driving schools bradford", "driving school bradford, "driving instructors bradford", "driving instructor bradford", "driving lessons wakefield", "driving schools wakefield", "driving school wakefield", "driving instructors wakefield", "driving instructor wakefield", "driving lessons harrogate", "driving schools harrogate", "driving school harrogate", "driving instructors harrogate", "driving instructor harrogate", "driving lessons york", "driving schools york", "driving school york", "driving instructors york", "driving instructor york", "driving lessons halifax", "driving schools halifax", "driving school halifax", "driving instructors halifax", "driving instructor halifax", "driving lessons huddersfield", "driving schools huddersfield", "driving school huddersfield", "driving instructors huddersfield", "driving instructor huddersfield", "driving lessons sheffield", "driving schools sheffield", "driving school sheffield", "driving instructors sheffield", "driving instructor sheffield", "driving lessons nottingham", "driving schools nottingham", "driving school nottingham", "driving instructors nottingham", "driving instructor nottingham", "driving lessons birmingham", "driving schools birmingham", "driving school birmingham", "driving instructors birmingham", "driving instructor birmingham", "driving lessons manchester", "driving schools manchester", "driving school manchester", "driving instructors manchester", "driving instructor manchester", "driving lessons london", "driving schools london", "driving school london", "driving instructors london", "driving instructor london", "dual control car hire", "instructor car hire"
  • Searching for URLs? NO
  • Engines Attempted:
    • Google
    • MSN
    • Yahoo Web Results
  • Number of search matches to scan: 50
  • Search engine timeout: 50
  • Searches to perform simultaneously: 8
  • Proxy server:
  • Store/archive prior reports: NO
  • If an engine encountered an error, retry 3 times, waiting 15 seconds.
  • Mission Began: 15 February 2024 00:00:17
  • Mission Preparation Time: 0 Secs,
  • Search Running Time: 1 Hour, 49 Mins, 42 Secs,
  • Report Creation Time: 10 Hours, 45 Mins, 5 Secs,
  • Mission Running Time: 12 Hours, 34 Mins, 47 Secs,
  • Mission Completed: 15 February 2024 14:34:06

Searches that Completed
Unmodified Results Captured from the Search Engines: (Stored for last run only then overwritten)

Searches that Failed
  • Google ("driving instructor nottingham") : Server redirected to invalid Location at 15/02/2024 00:58:52. FAILED all attempts.
  • Google ("driving lessons halifax") : Server redirected to invalid Location at 15/02/2024 00:59:25. FAILED all attempts.
  • Google ("driving instructors sheffield") : Server redirected to invalid Location at 15/02/2024 00:59:49. FAILED all attempts.
  • Google ("driving school york") : Server redirected to invalid Location at 15/02/2024 01:00:21. FAILED all attempts.
  • Google ("driving lessons birmingham") : Server redirected to invalid Location at 15/02/2024 01:00:50. FAILED all attempts.
  • Google ("driving school london") : Server redirected to invalid Location at 15/02/2024 01:01:15. FAILED all attempts.
  • Google ("driving instructor manchester") : Server redirected to invalid Location at 15/02/2024 01:01:47. FAILED all attempts.
  • Google ("driving instructor london") : Server redirected to invalid Location at 15/02/2024 01:02:18. FAILED all attempts.
  • Google ("driving lessons wakefield") : Server redirected to invalid Location at 15/02/2024 01:02:42. FAILED all attempts.
  • Google ("driving lessons leeds") : Server redirected to invalid Location at 15/02/2024 01:03:11. FAILED all attempts.
  • Google ("driving schools wakefield") : Server redirected to invalid Location at 15/02/2024 01:03:42. FAILED all attempts.
  • Google ("driving school sheffield") : Server redirected to invalid Location at 15/02/2024 01:04:01. FAILED all attempts.

  • Report created by Bitmedia.