Just Driving > Driving Theory Test Question Bank > Rules of the Road
Rules of the Road
Q1. What is the meaning of this sign? |
A) Local speed limit applies |
C) National speed limit applies |
B) No waiting on the carriageway |
D) No entry to vehicular traffic |
Answer: C
This sign doesn't tell you the speed limit in figures. You should know the speed limit for the type of road that you're on. Study your copy of The Highway Code.
Q2. What is the national speed limit for cars and motorcycles on a dual carriageway?
A) 30 mph |
C) 60 mph |
B) 50 mph |
D) 70 mph |
Answer: D
Ensure that you know the speed limit for the road that you're on. The speed limit on a dual carriageway or motorway is 70 mph for cars and motorcycles, unless there are signs to indicate otherwise. The speed limits for different types of vehicles are listed in The Highway Code.
Q3. There are no speed limit signs on the road. How is a 30 mph limit indicated?
A) By hazard warning lines |
C) By pedestrian islands |
B) By street lighting |
D) By double or single yellow lines |
Answer: B
There is usually a 30 mph speed limit where there are street lights unless there are signs showing another limit.
Q4. Where you see street lights but no speed limit signs the limit is usually
A) 30 mph |
C) 50 mph |
B) 40 mph |
D) 50 mph |
Answer: A
The presence of street lights generally shows that there is a 30 mph speed limit, unless signs tell you otherwise.
Q5. What does this sign mean? |
A) Minimum speed 30 mph |
C) End of minimum speed |
B) End of maximum speed |
D) Maximum speed 30 mph |
Answer: C
A red slash through this sign indicates that the restriction has ended. In this case the restriction was a minimum speed limit of 30 mph.
Q6. There is a tractor ahead of you. You wish to overtake but you are NOT sure if it is safe to do so. You should
A) follow another overtaking vehicle through |
C) speed through but flash your lights to oncoming traffic |
B) sound your horn to the slow vehicle to pull over |
D) not overtake if you are in doubt |
Answer: D
Never overtake if you're not sure whether it's safe. Can you see far enough down the road to ensure that you can complete the manoeuvre safely? If the answer is no, DON'T GO.
Q7. Which three of the following are most likely to take an unusual course at roundabouts?
A) Horse riders |
D) Long vehicles |
B) Milk floats |
E) Estate cars |
C) Delivery vans |
F) Cyclists |
Answer: A,D and F
Long vehicles might have to take a slightly different position when approaching the roundabout or going around it. This is to stop the rear of the vehicle cutting in and mounting the kerb. Horse riders and cyclists might stay in the left-hand lane although they are turning right. Be aware of this and allow them room.
Q8. On a clearway you must not stop
A) at any time |
C) in the rush hour |
B) when it is busy |
D) during daylight hours |
Answer: A
Clearways are in place so that traffic can flow without the obstruction of parked vehicles. Just one parked vehicle will cause an obstruction for all other traffic. You MUST NOT stop where a clearway is in force, not even to pick up or set down passengers.
Q9. What is the meaning of this sign? |
A) No entry |
C) National speed limit |
B) Waiting restrictions |
D) School crossing patrol |
Answer: B
This sign indicates that there are waiting restrictions. It is normally accompanied by details of when restrictions are in force.Details of most signs which are in common use are shown in The Highway Code and a more comprehensive selection is available in Know Your Traffic Signs.
Q10. You can park on the right-hand side of a road at night
A) in a one-way street |
C) more than 10 metres (32 feet) from a junction |
B) with your sidelights on |
D) under a lamp-post |
Answer: A
Red rear reflectors show up when headlights shine on them. These are useful when you are parked at night but will only reflect if you park in the same direction as the traffic flow. Normally you should park on the left, but if you're in a one-way street you may also park on the right-hand side.
Q11. On a three-lane dual carriageway the right-hand lane can be used for |
A) overtaking only, never turning right |
C) fast-moving traffic only |
B) overtaking or turning right |
D) turning right only, never overtaking |
Answer: B
You should normally use the left-hand lane on any dual carriageway unless you are overtaking or turning right. When overtaking on a dual carriageway, look for vehicles ahead that are turning right. They're likely to be slowing or stopped. You need to see them in good time so that you can take appropriate action.
Q12. You are approaching a busy junction. There are several lanes with road markings. At the last moment you realise that you are in the wrong lane. You should
A) continue in that lane |
C) stop until the area has cleared |
B) force your way across |
D) use clear arm signals to cut across |
Answer: A
There are times where road markings can be obscured by queuing traffic, or you might be unsure which lane you need to be in. If you realise that you're in the wrong lane, don't cut across lanes or bully other drivers to let you in. Follow the lane you're in and find somewhere safe to turn around if you need to.
Q13. Where may you overtake on a one-way street?
A) Only on the left-hand side |
C) Only on the right-hand side |
B) Overtaking is not allowed |
D) Either on the right or the left |
Answer: D
You can overtake other traffic on either side when travelling in a one-way street. Make full use of your mirrors and ensure that it's clear all around before you attempt to overtake. Look for signs and road markings and use the most suitable lane for your destination.
Q14. When going straight ahead at a roundabout you should
A) indicate left before leaving the roundabout |
C) indicate right when approaching the roundabout |
B) not indicate at any time |
D) indicate left when approaching the roundabout |
Answer: A
When you want to go straight on at a roundabout, don't signal as you approach it, but indicate left just after you pass the exit before the one you wish to take.
Q15. Which vehicle might have to use a different course to normal at roundabouts?
A) Sports car |
C) Estate car |
B) Van |
D) Long vehicle |
Answer: D
A long vehicle may have to straddle lanes either on or approaching a roundabout so that the rear wheels don't cut in over the kerb. If you're following a long vehicle, stay well back and give it plenty of room.
Q16. You may only enter a box junction when |
A) there are less than two vehicles in front of you |
C) your exit road is clear |
B) the traffic lights show green |
D) you need to turn left |
Answer: C
Yellow box junctions are marked on the road to prevent the road becoming blocked. Don't enter one unless your exit road is clear. You may only wait in the yellow box if your exit road is clear but oncoming traffic is preventing you from completing the turn.
Q17. You may wait in a yellow box junction when |
A) oncoming traffic is preventing you from turning right |
C) you are in a queue of traffic to go ahead |
B) you are in a queue of traffic turning left |
D) you are on a roundabout |
Answer: A
The purpose of this road marking is to keep the junction clear of queuing traffic. You may only wait in the marked area when you're turning right and your exit lane is clear but you can't complete the turn because of oncoming traffic.
Q18. You MUST stop when signalled to do so by which THREE of these?
A) A police officer |
D) A school crossing patrol |
B) A pedestrian |
E) A bus driver |
C) A school crossing patrol |
F) A red traffic light |
Answer: A,C and E
Looking well ahead and 'reading' the road will help you to anticipate hazards. This will enable you to stop safely at traffic lights or if ordered to do so by an authorised person.
Q19. Someone is waiting to cross at a zebra crossing. They are standing on the pavement. You should normally
A) go on quickly before they step onto the crossing |
C) stop, let them cross, wait patiently |
B) stop before you reach the zigzag lines and let them cross |
D) ignore them as they are still on the pavement |
Answer: C
By standing on the pavement, the pedestrian is showing an intention to cross. If you are looking well down the road you will give yourself enough time to slow down and stop safely. Don't forget to check your mirrors before slowing down.
Q20. At toucan crossings, apart from pedestrians you should be aware of
A) emergency vehicles emerging |
C) trams crossing in front |
B) buses pulling out |
D) cyclists riding across |
Answer: D
The use of cycles is being encouraged and more toucan crossings are being installed. These crossings enable pedestrians and cyclists to cross the path of other traffic. Watch out as cyclists will approach the crossing faster than pedestrians.
Q21. Who can use a toucan crossing?
A) Trains |
D) Pedestrians |
B) Cyclists |
E) Trams |
C) Buses |
Answer: B and D
Toucan crossings are similar to pelican crossings but there is no flashing amber phase. Cyclists share the crossing with pedestrians and are allowed to cycle across when the green cycle symbol is shown.
Q22. At a pelican crossing, what does a flashing amber light mean?
A) You must not move off until the lights stop flashing |
C) You can move off, even if pedestrians are still on the crossing |
B) You must give way to pedestrians still on the crossing |
D) You must stop because the lights are about to change to red |
Answer: B
If there is no-one on the crossing when the amber light is flashing, you may proceed over the crossing. You don't need to wait for the green light to show.
Q23. You are waiting at a pelican crossing. The red light changes to flashing amber. This means you must
A) wait for pedestrians on the crossing to clear |
C) wait for the green light before moving off |
B) move off immediately without any hesitation |
D) get ready and go when the continuous amber light shows |
Answer: A
This light allows time for the pedestrians already on the crossing to get to the other side in their own time, without being rushed. Don't rev your engine or start to move off while they are still crossing.
Q24. When can you park on the left opposite these road markings? |
A) If the line nearest to you is broken |
C) To pick up or set down passengers |
B) When there are no yellow lines |
D) During daylight hours only |
Answer: C
You MUST NOT park or stop on a road marked with double white lines (even where one of the lines is broken) except to pick up or set down passengers.
Q25. You are intending to turn right at a crossroads. An oncoming driver is also turning right. It will normally be safer to
A) keep the other vehicle to your RIGHT and turn behind it (offside to offside) |
C) carry on and turn at the next junction instead |
B) keep the other vehicle to your LEFT and turn in front of it (nearside to nearside) |
D) hold back and wait for the other driver to turn first |
Answer: A
At some junctions the layout may make it difficult to turn offside to offside. If this is the case, be prepared to pass nearside to nearside, but take extra care as your view ahead will be obscured by the vehicle turning in front of you.
Q26. You are on a road that has no traffic signs. There are street lights. What is the speed limit?
A) 20 mph |
C) 40 mph |
B) 30 mph |
D) 60 mph |
Answer: B
If you aren't sure of the speed limit a good indication is the presence of street lights. If there is street lighting the speed limit will be 30 mph unless otherwise indicated.
Q27. You are going along a street with parked vehicles on the left-hand side. For which THREE reasons should you keep your speed down?
A) So that oncoming traffic can see you more clearly |
D) Drivers' doors may open |
B) You may set off car alarms |
E) Children may run out from between the vehicles |
C) Vehicles may be pulling out |
Answer: C, D and E
Travel slowly and carefully where there are parked vehicles in a built-up area. Beware of• vehicles pulling out, especially bicycles and other motorcycles• pedestrians, especially children, who may run out from between cars• drivers opening their doors.
Q28. You meet an obstruction on your side of the road. You should
A) carry on, you have priority |
C) wave oncoming vehicles through |
B) give way to oncoming traffic |
D) accelerate to get past first |
Answer: B
Take care if you have to pass a parked vehicle on your side of the road. Give way to oncoming traffic if there isn't enough room for you both to continue safely.
Q29. You are on a two-lane dual carriageway. For which TWO of the following would you use the right-hand lane?
A) Turning right |
D) Constant high speed |
B) Normal progress |
E) Overtaking slower traffic |
C) Staying at the minimum allowed speed |
F) Mending punctures |
Answer: A and E
Normally you should travel in the left-hand lane and only use the right-hand lane for overtaking or turning right. Move back into the left lane as soon as it's safe but don't cut in across the path of the vehicle you've just passed.
Q30. Who has priority at an unmarked crossroads?
A) The larger vehicle |
C) The faster vehicle |
B) No one has priority |
D) The smaller vehicle |
Answer: B
Practise good observation in all directions before you emerge or make a turn. Proceed only when you're sure it's safe to do so.
Q31. What is the nearest you may park to a junction?
A) 10 metres (32 feet) |
C) 15 metres (49 feet) |
B) 12 metres (39 feet) |
D) 20 metres (66 feet) |
Answer: A
Don't park within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction (unless in an authorised parking place). This is to allow drivers emerging from, or turning into, the junction a clear view of the road they are joining. It also allows them to see hazards such as pedestrians or cyclists at the junction.
Q32. In which THREE places must you NOT park?
A) Near the brow of a hill |
D) Within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction |
B) At or near a bus stop |
E) On a 40 mph road |
C) Where there is no pavement |
Answer: A, B and D
Other traffic will have to pull out to pass you. They may have to use the other side of the road, and if you park near the brow of a hill, they may not be able to see oncoming traffic. It's important not to park at or near a bus stop as this could inconvenience passengers, and may put them at risk as they get on or off the bus. Parking near a junction could restrict the view for emerging vehicles.
Q33. You are waiting at a level crossing. A train has passed but the lights keep flashing. You must
A) carry on waiting |
C) edge over the stop line and look for trains |
B) phone the signal operator |
D) park and investigate |
Answer: A
If the lights at a level crossing continue to flash after a train has passed, you should still wait as there might be another train coming. Time seems to pass slowly when you're held up in a queue. Be patient and wait until the lights stop flashing.
Q34. At a crossroads there are no signs or road markings. Two vehicles approach. Which has priority?
A) Neither of the vehicles |
C) Oncoming vehicles turning right |
B) The vehicle travelling the fastest |
D) Vehicles approaching from the right |
Answer: A
At a crossroads where there are no 'give way' signs or road markings be very careful. No vehicle has priority, even if the sizes of the roads are different.
Q35. What does this sign tell you? |
A) That it is a no-through road |
C) Free parking zone ends |
B) End of traffic calming zone |
D) No waiting zone ends |
Answer: D
The blue and red circular sign on its own means that waiting restrictions are in force. This sign shows that you are leaving the controlled zone and waiting restrictions no longer apply.
Q36. You are entering an area of roadworks. There is a temporary speed limit displayed. You should
A) not exceed the speed limit |
C) ignore the displayed limit |
B) obey the limit only during rush hour |
D) obey the limit except at night |
Answer: A
Where there are extra hazards such as roadworks, it's often necessary to slow traffic down by imposing a temporary speed limit. These speed limits aren't advisory, they must be obeyed.
Q37. In which TWO places should you NOT park?
A) Near a school entrance |
D) At a bus stop |
B) Near a police station |
E) In a one-way street |
C) In a side road |
Answer: A and D
It may be tempting to park where you shouldn't while you run a quick errand. Careless parking is a selfish act and could endanger other road users.
Q.38 You are travelling on a well-lit road at night in a built-up area. By using dipped headlights you will be able to
A) see further along the road |
C) switch to main beam quickly |
B) go at a much faster speed |
D) be easily seen by others |
Answer: D
You may be difficult to see when you're travelling at night, even on a well lit road. If you use dipped headlights rather than sidelights other road users will see you more easily.
Q39. The dual carriageway you are turning right onto has a very narrow central reservation. What should you do?
A) Proceed to the central reservation and wait |
C) Stop in the first lane so that other vehicles give way |
B) Wait until the road is clear in both directions |
D) Emerge slightly to show your intentions |
Answer: B
When the central reservation is narrow you should treat a dual carriageway as one road. Wait until the road is clear in both directions before emerging to turn right. If you try to treat it as two separate roads and wait in the middle, you are likely to cause an obstruction and possibly a collision.
Q40. What is the national speed limit on a single carriageway road for cars and motorcycles?
A) 30 mph |
C) 60 mph |
B) 50 mph |
D) 70 mph |
Answer: C
Exceeding the speed limit is dangerous and can result in you receiving penalty points on your licence. It isn't worth it. You should know the speed limit for the road that you're on by observing the road signs. Different speed limits apply if you are towing a trailer.
Q41. You park at night on a road with a 40 mph speed limit. You should park
A) facing the traffic |
C) with dipped headlights on |
B) with parking lights on |
D) near a street light |
Answer: B
You MUST use parking lights when parking at night on a road or lay-by with a speed limit greater than 30 mph. You MUST also park in the direction of the traffic flow and not close to a junction.
Q42. You will see these red and white markers when approaching |
A) the end of a motorway |
C) a concealed speed limit sign |
B) a concealed level crossing |
D) the end of a dual carriageway |
Answer: B
If there is a bend just before the level crossing you may not be able to see the level crossing barriers or waiting traffic. These signs give you an early warning that you may find these hazards just around the bend.
Q43. You are travelling on a motorway. You MUST stop when signalled to do so by which of these?
A) Flashing amber lights above your lane |
C) Pedestrians on the hard shoulder |
B) A Highways Agency Traffic Officer |
D) A driver who has broken down |
Answer: B
You will find Highways Agency Traffic Officers on many of Britain's motorways. They work in partnership with the police, helping to keep traffic moving and to make your journey as safe as possible. It is an offence not to comply with the directions given by a Traffic Officer.
Q44. At a busy unmarked crossroads, which of the following has priority?
A) Vehicles going straight ahead |
C) None of the vehicles |
B) Vehicles turning right |
D) The vehicles that arrived first |
Answer: C
If there are no road signs or markings do not assume that you have priority. Remember that other drivers may assume they have the right to go. No type of vehicle has priority but it's courteous to give way to large vehicles. Also look out in particular for cyclists and motorcyclists.
Q45. You are going straight ahead at a roundabout. How should you signal?
A) Signal right on the approach and then left to leave the roundabout |
C) Signal right on the approach to the roundabout and keep the signal on |
B) Signal left after you leave the roundabout and enter the new road |
D) Signal left just after you pass the exit before the one you will take |
Answer: D
Take care if you have to pass a parked vehicle on your side of the road. Give way to oncoming traffic if there isn't enough room for you both to continue safely.
Q46. You may drive over a footpath
A) to overtake slow-moving traffic |
C) if no pedestrians are near |
B) when the pavement is very wide |
D) to get into a property |
Answer: D
It is against the law to drive on or over a footpath, except to gain access to a property. If you need to cross a pavement, watch for pedestrians in both directions.
Q47. A single carriageway road has this sign. What is the maximum permitted speed for a car towing a trailer? |
A) 30 mph |
C) 50 mph |
B) 40 mph |
D) 60 mph |
Answer: C
When towing trailers, speed limits are also lower on dual carriageways and motorways. These speed limits apply to vehicles pulling all sorts of trailers including caravans, horse boxes etc.
Q48. You are towing a small caravan on a dual carriageway. You must not exceed |
A) 50 mph |
C) 70 mph |
B) 40 mph |
D) 60 mph |
Answer: D
The speed limit is reduced for vehicles towing caravans and trailers, to lessen the risk of the outfit becoming unstable. Due to the increased weight and size of the vehicle and caravan combination, you should plan well ahead. Be extra-careful in windy weather, as strong winds could cause a caravan or large trailer to snake from side to side.
Q49. You want to park and you see this sign. On the days and times shown you should |
A) park in a bay and not pay |
C) park on yellow lines and not pay |
B) park on yellow lines and pay |
D) park in a bay and pay |
Answer: D
Parking restrictions apply in a variety of places and situations. Make sure you know the rules and understand where and when restrictions apply. Controlled parking areas will be indicated by signs and road markings. Parking in the wrong place could cause an obstruction and danger to other traffic. It can also result in a fine.
Q50. You are driving along a road that has a cycle lane. The lane is marked by a solid white line. This means that during its period of operation
A) the lane may be used for parking your car |
C) the lane may be used when necessary |
B) you may drive in that lane at any time |
D) you must not drive in that lane |
Answer: D
Leave the lane free for cyclists. At other times, when the lane is not in operation, you should still be aware that there may be cyclists about. Give them room and don't pass too closely.
Q51. A cycle lane is marked by a solid white line. You must not drive or park in it
A) at any time |
C) if a cyclist is using it |
B) during the rush hour |
D) during its period of operation |
Answer: D
The cycle lanes are there for a reason. Keep them free and allow cyclists to use them. It is illegal to drive or park in a cycle lane, marked by a solid white line, during its hours of operation. Parking in a cycle lane will obstruct cyclists and they may move into the path of traffic on the main carriageway as they ride around the obstruction. This could be hazardous for both the cyclist and other road users.
Q52. While driving, you intend to turn left into a minor road. On the approach you should
A) keep just left of the middle of the road |
C) swing out wide just before turning |
B) keep in the middle of the road |
D) keep well to the left of the road |
Answer: D
Don't swing out into the centre of the road in order to make the turn. This could endanger oncoming traffic and may cause other road users to misunderstand your intentions.
Q53. You are waiting at a level crossing. The red warning lights continue to flash after a train has passed by. What should you do? |
A) Get out and investigate |
C) Continue to wait |
B) Telephone the signal operator |
D) Drive across carefully |
Answer: C
At a level crossing flashing red lights mean you must stop. If the train passes but the lights keep flashing, wait. There may be another train coming.
Q54. You are driving over a level crossing. The warning lights come on and a bell rings. What should you do? |
A) Get everyone out of the vehicle immediately |
C) Keep going and clear the crossing |
B) Stop and reverse back to clear the crossing |
D) Stop immediately and use your hazard warning lights |
Answer: C
When towing trailers, speed limits are also lower on dual carriageways and motorways. These speed limits apply to vehicles pulling all sorts of trailers including caravans, horse boxes etc.
Q55. You are on a busy main road and find that you are travelling in the wrong direction. What should you do?
A) Turn into a side road on the right and reverse into the main road |
C) Make a 'three-point' turn in the main road |
B) Make a U-turn in the main road |
D) Turn round in a side road |
Answer: D
Don't turn round in a busy street or reverse from a side road into a main road. Find a quiet side road and choose a place where you won't obstruct an entrance or exit. Look out for pedestrians and cyclists as well as other traffic.
Q56. You may remove your seat belt when carrying out a manoeuvre that involves
A) reversing |
C) an emergency stop |
B) a hill start |
D) driving slowly |
Answer: A
Don't forget to put your seat belt back on when you've finished reversing.
Q57. You must not reverse
A) for longer than necessary |
C) into a side road |
B) for more than a car's length |
D) in a built-up area |
Answer: A
You may decide to turn your vehicle around by reversing into an opening or side road. When you reverse, always look behind and all around and watch for pedestrians. Don't reverse from a side road into a main road. You MUST NOT reverse further than is necessary.
Q58. When you are NOT sure that it is safe to reverse your vehicle you should
A) use your horn |
C) get out and check |
B) rev your engine |
D) reverse slowly |
Answer: C
If you can't see all around your vehicle get out and have a look. You could also ask someone reliable outside the vehicle to guide you. A small child could easily be hidden directly behind you. Don't take risks.
Q59. When may you reverse from a side road into a main road?
A) Only if both roads are clear of traffic |
C) At any time |
B) Not at any time |
D) Only if the main road is clear of traffic |
Answer: B
Don't reverse into a main road from a side road. The main road is likely to be busy and the traffic on it moving quickly. Cut down the risks by reversing into a quiet side road.
Q60. You want to turn right at a box junction. There is oncoming traffic. You should
A) wait in the box junction if your exit is clear |
C) drive on, you cannot turn right at a box junction |
B) wait before the junction until it is clear of all traffic |
D) drive slowly into the box junction when signalled by oncoming traffic |
Answer: A
You can move into the box junction to wait as long as your exit is clear. The oncoming traffic will stop when the traffic lights change, allowing you to proceed.
Q61. You are reversing your vehicle into a side road. When would the greatest hazard to passing traffic occur?
A) After you've completed the manoeuvre |
C) After you've entered the side road |
B) Just before you actually begin to manoeuvre |
D) When the front of your vehicle swings out |
Answer: D
Always check road and traffic conditions in all directions before reversing into a side road. Keep a good look-out throughout the manoeuvre. Act on what you see and wait if necessary.
Q62. Where is the safest place to park your vehicle at night?
A) In a garage |
C) In a quiet car park |
B) On a busy road |
D) Near a red route |
Answer: A
If you have a garage, use it. Your vehicle is less likely to be a victim of car crime if it's in a garage. Also in winter the windows will be free from ice and snow.
Q63. You are driving on an urban clearway. You may stop only to
A) set down and pick up passengers |
C) ask for directions |
B) use a mobile telephone |
D) load or unload goods |
Answer: A
Urban clearways may be in built-up areas and their times of operation will be clearly signed. You should stop only for as long as is reasonable to pick up or set down passengers. You should ensure that you are not causing an obstruction for other traffic.
Q64. You are looking for somewhere to park your vehicle. The area is full EXCEPT for spaces marked 'disabled use'. You can
A) use these spaces when elsewhere is full |
C) use these spaces, disabled or not |
B) park if you stay with your vehicle |
D) not park there unless permitted |
Answer: D
It is illegal to park in a parking space reserved for disabled users.These spaces are provided for people with limited mobility, who may need extra space to get in and out of their vehicle.
Q65. Your vehicle is parked on the road at night. When must you use sidelights?
A) Where there are continuous white lines in the middle of the road |
C) Where you are facing oncoming traffic |
B) Where the speed limit exceeds 30 mph |
D) Where you are near a bus stop |
Answer: B
When parking at night, park in the direction of the traffic. This will enable other road users to see the reflectors on the rear of your vehicle. You MUST use your sidelights when parking on a road, or in a lay-by on a road, where the speed limit is over 30 mph.
Q66. You are on a road that is only wide enough for one vehicle. There is a car coming towards you. What should you do?
A) Pull into a passing place on your right |
C) Pull into a passing place if your vehicle is wider |
B) Force the other driver to reverse |
D) Pull into a passing place on your left |
Answer: D
Pull into the nearest passing place on the left if you meet another vehicle in a narrow road. If the nearest passing place is on the right, wait opposite it.
Q67. You are driving at night with full beam headlights on. A vehicle is overtaking you. You should dip your lights
A) some time after the vehicle has passed you |
C) only if the other driver dips their headlights |
B) before the vehicle starts to pass you |
D) as soon as the vehicle passes you |
Answer: D
On full beam your lights could dazzle the driver in front. Make sure that your light beam falls short of the vehicle in front.
Q68. When may you drive a motor car in this bus lane? |
A) Outside its hours of operation |
C) You may not use it at any time |
B) To get to the front of a traffic queue |
D) To overtake slow-moving traffic |
Answer: A
Some bus lanes only operate during peak hours and other vehicles may use them outside these hours. Make sure you check the sign for the hours of operation before driving in a bus lane.
Q69. Signals are normally given by direction indicators and
A) brake lights |
C) fog lights |
B) side lights |
D) interior lights |
Answer: A
Your brake lights will give an indication to traffic behind that you're slowing down. Good anticipation will allow you time to check your mirrors before slowing.
Q70. You are parked in a busy high street. What is the safest way to turn your vehicle around so you can go the opposite way?
A) Find a quiet side road to turn round in |
C) Get someone to stop the traffic |
B) Drive into a side road and reverse into the main road |
D) Do a U-turn |
Answer: A
Make sure you carry out the manoeuvre without causing a hazard to other vehicles. Choose a place to turn which is safe and convenient for you and for other road users.
Q71. To help keep your vehicle secure at night, where should you park?
A) Near a police station |
C) On a red route |
B) In a quiet road |
D) In a well-lit area |
Answer: D
Whenever possible park in an area which will be well lit at night.
Q72. You are in the right-hand lane of a dual carriageway. You see signs showing that the right-hand lane is closed 800 yards ahead. You should |
A) keep in that lane until you reach the queue |
C) wait and see which lane is moving faster |
B) move to the left immediately |
D) move to the left in good time |
Answer: D
Keep a look-out for traffic signs. If you're directed to change lanes, do so in good time. Don't push your way into traffic in another lane or leave changing lanes until the last moment.
Q73. You are driving on a road that has a cycle lane. The lane is marked by a broken white line. This means that
A) you should not drive in the lane unless it is unavoidable |
C) cyclists can travel in both directions in that lane |
B) you should not park in the lane unless it is unavoidable |
D) the lane must be used by motorcyclists in heavy traffic |
Answer: A and B
Where signs or road markings show lanes
Q74. What MUST you have to park in a disabled space? |
A) A Blue Badge |
C) An advanced driver certificate |
B) A wheelchair |
D) An adapted vehicle |
Answer: A
Don't park in a space reserved for disabled people unless you or your passenger are a disabled badge holder. The badge must be displayed in your vehicle in the bottom left-hand corner of the windscreen.
are for cyclists only, leave them free. Do not drive or park in a cycle lane unless it is unavoidable.
Q75. On which THREE occasions MUST you stop your vehicle?
A) When in an incident where damage or injury is caused |
D) At a junction with double broken white lines |
B) At a red traffic light |
E) At a pelican crossing when the amber light is flashing and no pedestrians are crossing |
C) When signalled to do so by a police or traffic officer |
Answer: A, B and C
Situations when you MUST stop include the following. When signalled to do so by a police or traffic officer, traffic warden, school crossing patrol or red traffic light. You must also stop if you are involved in an incident which causes damage or injury to any other person, vehicle, animal or property.
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