Just Driving > Driving Theory Test Question Bank > Motorway Rules
Motorway Rules
Q1. When joining a motorway you must always
A) use the hard shoulder |
C) come to a stop before joining the motorway |
B) stop at the end of the acceleration lane |
D) give way to traffic already on the motorway |
Answer: D
You should give way to traffic already on the motorway. Where possible they may move over to let you in but don't force your way into the traffic stream. The traffic may be travelling at high speed so you should match your speed to fit in.
Q2. What is the national speed limit for cars and motorcycles in the centre lane of a three-lane motorway?
A) 40 mph |
C) 60 mph |
B)50 mph |
D) 70 mph |
Answer: D
Unless shown otherwise, the speed limit on a motorway applies to all the lanes. Look out for any signs of speed limit changes due to roadworks or traffic flow control.
Q3. What is the national speed limit on motorways for cars and motorcycles?
A) 30 mph |
C) 60 mph |
B) 50 mph |
D) 70 mph |
Answer: D
Travelling at the national speed limit doesn't allow you to hog the right-hand lane. Always use the left-hand lane whenever possible. When leaving a motorway get into the left-hand lane well before your exit. Reduce your speed on the slip road and look out for sharp bends or curves and traffic queuing at roundabouts.
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Q4. The left-hand lane on a three-lane motorway is for use by |
A) any vehicle |
C) emergency vehicles only |
B) large vehicles only |
D) slow vehicles only |
Answer: A
On a motorway all traffic should use the left-hand lane unless overtaking. Use the centre or right-hand lanes if you need to overtake. If you're overtaking a number of slower vehicles move back to the left-hand lane when you're safely past. Check your mirrors frequently and don't stay in the middle or right-hand lane if the left-hand lane is free.
Q5. Which of these IS NOT allowed to travel in the right-hand lane of a three-lane motorway?
A) A small delivery van |
C) A vehicle towing a trailer |
B) A motorcycle |
D) A motorcycle and side-car |
Answer: C
A vehicle with a trailer is restricted to 60 mph. For this reason it isn't allowed in the right-hand lane as it might hold up the faster-moving traffic that wishes to overtake in that lane.
Q6. You break down on a motorway. You need to call for help. Why may it be better to use an emergency roadside telephone rather than a mobile phone?
A) It connects you to a local garage |
C) It allows easy location by the emergency services |
B) Using a mobile phone will distract other drivers |
D) Mobile phones do not work on motorways |
Answer: C
On a motorway it is best to use a roadside emergency telephone so that the emergency services are able to locate you easily. The nearest telephone is shown by an arrow on marker posts at the edge of the hard shoulder. If you use a mobile, they will need to know your exact location. Before you call, find out the number on the nearest marker post. This number will identify your exact location.
Q7. After a breakdown you need to rejoin the main carriageway of a motorway from the hard shoulder. You should
A) move out onto the carriageway then build up your speed |
C) gain speed on the hard shoulder before moving out onto the carriageway |
B) move out onto the carriageway using your hazard lights |
D) wait on the hard shoulder until someone flashes their headlights at you |
Answer: C
Wait for a safe gap in the traffic before you move out. Indicate your intention and use the hard shoulder to gain speed but don't force your way into the traffic.
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Q8. A crawler lane on a motorway is found |
A) on a steep gradient |
C) before a junction |
B) before a service area |
D) along the hard shoulder |
Answer: A
Slow-moving, large vehicles might slow down the progress of other traffic. On a steep gradient this extra lane is provided for these slow-moving vehicles to allow the faster-moving traffic to flow more easily.
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Q9. What do these motorway signs show? |
A) They are countdown markers to a bridge |
C) They are countdown markers to the next exit |
B) They are distance markers to the next telephone |
D) They warn of a police control ahead |
Answer: C
The exit from a motorway is indicated by countdown markers. These are positioned 90 metres (100 yards) apart, the first being 270 metres (300 yards) from the start of the slip road. Move into the left-hand lane well before you reach the start of the slip road.
Q10. On a motorway the amber reflective studs can be found between
A) the hard shoulder and the carriageway |
C) the central reservation and the carriageway |
B) the acceleration lane and the carriageway |
D) each pair of the lanes |
Answer: C
On motorways reflective studs are located into the road to help you in the dark and in conditions of poor visibility. Amber-coloured studs are found on the right-hand edge of the main carriageway, next to the central reservation.
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Q11. What colour are the reflective studs between the lanes on a motorway? |
A) Green |
C) White |
B) Amber |
D) Red |
Answer: C
White studs are found between the lanes on motorways. The light from your headlights is reflected back and this is especially useful in bad weather, when visibility is restricted.
Q12. What colour are the reflective studs between a motorway and its slip road?
A) Amber |
C) Green |
B) White |
D) Red |
Answer: C
The studs between the carriageway and the hard shoulder are normally red. These change to green where there is a slip road. They will help you identify slip roads when visibility is poor or when it is dark.
Q13. You have broken down on a motorway. To find the nearest emergency telephone you should always walk
A) with the traffic flow |
C) in the direction shown on the marker posts |
B) facing oncoming traffic |
D) in the direction of the nearest exit |
Answer: C
Along the hard shoulder there are marker posts at 100-metre intervals. These will direct you to the nearest emergency telephone.
Q14. You are joining a motorway. Why is it important to make full use of the slip road?
A) Because there is space available to turn round if you need to |
C) To build up a speed similar to traffic on the motorway |
B) To allow you direct access to the overtaking lanes |
D) Because you can continue on the hard shoulder |
Answer: C
Try to join the motorway without affecting the progress of the traffic already travelling on it. Always give way to traffic already on the motorway. At busy times you may have to slow down to merge into slow-moving traffic.
Q15. How should you use the emergency telephone on a motorway?
A) Stay close to the carriageway |
C) Keep your back to the traffic |
B) Face the oncoming traffic |
D) Stand on the hard shoulder |
Answer: B
Traffic is passing you at speed. If the draught from a large lorry catches you by surprise it could blow you off balance and even onto the carriageway. By facing the oncoming traffic you can see approaching lorries and so be prepared for their draught. You are also in a position to see other hazards approaching.
Q16. You are on a motorway. What colour are the reflective studs on the left of the carriageway?
A) Green |
C) White |
B) Red |
D) Amber |
Answer: B
Red studs are placed between the edge of the carriageway and the hard shoulder. Where slip roads leave or join the motorway the studs are green.
Q17. On a three-lane motorway which lane should you normally use?
A) Left |
C) Centre |
B) Right |
D) Either the right or centre |
Answer: A
On a three-lane motorway you should travel in the left-hand lane unless you're overtaking. This applies regardless of the speed at which you're travelling.
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Q18. When going through a contraflow system on a motorway you should |
A) ensure that you do not exceed 30 mph |
C) switch lanes to keep the traffic flowing |
B) keep a good distance from the vehicle ahead |
D) stay close to the vehicle ahead to reduce queues |
Answer: B
There's likely to be a speed restriction in force. Keep to this. Don't• switch lanes• get too close to traffic in front of you.Be aware there will be no permanent barrier between you and the oncoming traffic.
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Q19. You are on a three-lane motorway. There are red reflective studs on your left and white ones to your right. Where are you? |
A) In the right-hand lane |
C) On the hard shoulder |
B) In the middle lane |
D) In the left-hand lane |
Answer: D
The colours of the reflective studs on the motorway and their locations are• red – between the hard shoulder and the carriageway• white – lane markings• amber – between the edge of the carriageway and the central reservation• green – along slip road exits and entrances• bright green/yellow – roadworks and contraflow systems.
Q20. You are approaching roadworks on a motorway. What should you do?
A) Speed up to clear the area quickly |
C) Obey all speed limits |
B) Always use the hard shoulder |
D) Stay very close to the vehicle in front |
Answer: C
Collisions can often happen at roadworks. Be aware of the speed limits, slow down in good time and keep your distance from the vehicle in front.
Q21. Which FOUR of these must NOT use motorways?
A) Learner car drivers |
D) Farm tractors |
B) Motorcycles over 50cc |
E) Horse riders |
C) Double-deck buses |
F) Cyclists |
Answer: A, D, E and F,
In addition, motorways MUST NOT be used by pedestrians, motorcycles under 50 cc, certain slow-moving vehicles without permission, and invalid carriages weighing less than 254 kg (560 lbs).
Q22. Which FOUR of these must NOT use motorways?
A) Learner car drivers |
D) Farm tractors |
B) Motorcycles over 50cc |
E) Learner motorcyclists |
C) Double-deck buses |
F) Cyclists |
Answer: A, D, E and F
Learner car drivers and motorcyclists are not allowed on the motorway until they have passed their practical test.Motorways have rules that you need to know before you venture out for the first time. When you've passed your practical test it's a good idea to have some lessons on motorways. Check with your instructor about this.
Q23. Immediately after joining a motorway you should normally
A) try to overtake |
C) position your vehicle in the centre lane |
B) re-adjust your mirrors |
D) keep in the left-hand lane |
Answer: D
Stay in the left-hand lane long enough to get used to the higher speeds of motorway traffic.
Q24. What is the right-hand lane used for on a three-lane motorway?
A) Emergency vehicles only |
C) Vehicles towing trailers |
B) Overtaking |
D) Coaches only |
Answer: B
You should keep to the left and only use the right-hand lane if you're passing slower-moving traffic.
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Q25. What should you use the hard shoulder of a motorway for? |
A) Stopping in an emergency |
C) Stopping when you are tired |
B) Leaving the motorway |
D) Joining the motorway |
Answer: A
Don't use the hard shoulder for stopping unless it is an emergency. If you want to stop for any other reason go to the next exit or service station.
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Q26. You are in the right-hand lane on a motorway. You see these overhead signs. This means |
A) move to the left and reduce your speed to 50 mph |
C) use the hard shoulder until you have passed the hazard |
B) there are roadworks 50 metres (55 yards) ahead |
D) leave the motorway at the next exit |
Answer: A
You MUST obey this sign. There might not be any visible signs of a problem ahead. However, there might be queuing traffic or another hazard which you cannot yet see.
Q27. You are allowed to stop on a motorway when you
A) need to walk and get fresh air |
C) are told to do so by flashing red lights |
B) wish to pick up hitchhikers |
D) need to use a mobile telephone |
Answer: C
You MUST stop if there are red lights flashing above every lane on the motorway. However, if any of the other lanes do not show flashing red lights or red cross you may move into that lane and continue if it is safe to do so.
Q28. You are travelling along the left-hand lane of a three-lane motorway. Traffic is joining from a slip road. You should
A) race the other vehicles |
C) maintain a steady speed |
B) move to another lane |
D) switch on your hazard flashers |
Answer: B
You should move to another lane if it is safe to do so. This can greatly assist the flow of traffic joining the motorway, especially at peak times.
Q29. A basic rule when on motorways is
A) use the lane that has least traffic |
C) overtake on the side that is clearest |
B) keep to the left-hand lane unless overtaking |
D) try to keep above 50 mph to prevent congestion |
Answer: B
You should normally travel in the left-hand lane unless you are overtaking a slower-moving vehicle. When you are past that vehicle move back into the left-hand lane as soon as it's safe to do so. Don't cut across in front of the vehicle that you're overtaking.
Q30. On motorways you should never overtake on the left unless
A) you can see well ahead that the hard shoulder is clear |
C) you warn drivers behind by signalling left |
B) the traffic in the right-hand lane is signalling right |
D) there is a queue of slow-moving traffic to your right that is moving more slowly than you are |
Answer: D
Only overtake on the left if traffic is moving slowly in queues and the traffic on your right is moving more slowly than the traffic in your lane.
Q31. Motorway emergency telephones are usually linked to the police. In some areas they are now linked to
A) the Highways Agency Control Centre |
C) the Driving Standards Agency |
B) the Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency |
D) the local Vehicle Registration Office |
Answer: A
In some areas motorway telephones are now linked to a Highways Agency Control Centre, instead of the police. Highways Agency Traffic Officers work in partnership with the police and assist at motorway emergencies and incidents. They are recognised by a high-visibility orange and yellow jacket and high-visibility vehicle with yellow and black chequered markings.
Q32. An Emergency Refuge Area is an area
A) on a motorway for use in cases of emergency or breakdown |
C) on a motorway for a police patrol to park and watch traffic |
B) for use if you think you will be involved in a road rage incident |
D) for construction and road workers to store emergency equipment |
Answer: A
Emergency Refuge Areas may be found at the side of the hard shoulder about 500 metres apart. If you break down you should use them rather than the hard shoulder if you are able. When re-joining the motorway you must remember to take extra care especially when the hard shoulder is being used as a running lane within an Active Traffic Management area. Try to match your speed to that of traffic in the lane you are joining.
Q33. What is an Emergency Refuge Area on a motorway for?
A) An area to park in when you want to use a mobile phone |
C) For an emergency recovery vehicle to park in a contra-flow system |
B) To use in cases of emergency or breakdown |
D) To drive in when there is queuing traffic ahead |
Answer: B
In cases of breakdown or emergency try to get your vehicle into an Emergency Refuge Area. This is safer than just stopping on the hard shoulder as it gives you greater distance from the main carriageway. If you are able to re-join the motorway you must take extra care, especially when the hard shoulder is being used as a running lane.
Q34. Highways Agency Traffic Officers
A) will not be able to assist at a breakdown or emergency |
C) will tow a broken down vehicle and it's passengers home |
B) are not able to stop and direct anyone on a motorway |
D) are able to stop and direct anyone on a motorway |
Answer: D
Highways Agency Traffic Officers (HATOs) are able to stop and direct traffic on most motorways and some 'A' class roads. They work in partnership with the police at motorway incidents and provide a highly-trained and visible service. Their role is to help keep traffic moving and make your journey as safe and reliable as possible. They are recognised by an orange and yellow jacket and their vehicle has yellow and black markings.
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Q35. You are on a motorway. A red cross is displayed above the hard shoulder. What does this mean? |
A) Pull up in this lane to answer your mobile phone |
C) This lane can be used if you need a rest |
B) Use this lane as a running lane |
D) You should not travel in this lane |
Answer: D
Active Traffic Management schemes are being introduced on motorways. Within these areas at certain times the hard shoulder will be used as a running lane. A red cross above the hard shoulder shows that this lane should NOT be used, except for emergencies and breakdowns.
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Q36. You are on a motorway in an Active Traffic Management (ATM) area. A mandatory speed limit is displayed above the hard shoulder. What does this mean? |
A) You should not travel in this lane |
C) You can park on the hard shoulder if you feel tired |
B) The hard shoulder can be used as a running lane |
D) You can pull up in this lane to answer a mobile phone |
Answer: B
A mandatory speed limit sign above the hard shoulder shows that it can be used as a running lane between junctions. You must stay within the speed limit. Look out for vehicles that may have broken down and could be blocking the hard shoulder.
Q37. The aim of an Active Traffic Management scheme on a motorway is to
A) prevent overtaking |
C) prevent tailgating |
B) reduce rest stops |
D) reduce congestion |
Answer: D
Active Traffic Management schemes are intended to reduce congestion and make journey times more reliable. In these areas the hard shoulder may be used as a running lane to ease congestion at peak times or in the event of an incident. It may appear that you could travel faster for a short distance, but keeping traffic flow at a constant speed may improve your journey time.
Q38. You are in an Active Traffic Management area on a motorway. When the Actively Managed mode is operating
A) speed limits are only advisory |
C) the speed limit is always 30 mph |
B) the national speed limit will apply |
D) all speed limit signals are set |
Answer: D
When an Active Traffic Management (ATM) scheme is operating on a motorway you MUST follow the mandatory instructions shown on the gantries above each lane. This includes the hard shoulder.
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Q39. You are travelling on a motorway. A red cross is shown above the hard shoulder. What does this mean? |
A) Use this lane as a rest area |
C) Do not use this lane to travel in |
B) Use this as a normal running lane |
D) National speed limit applies in this lane |
Answer: C
When a red cross is shown above the hard shoulder it should only be used for breakdowns or emergencies. Within Active Traffic Management (ATM) areas the hard shoulder may sometimes be used as a running lane. Speed limit signs directly above the hard shoulder will show that it's open.
Q40. Why can it be an advantage for traffic speed to stay constant over a longer distance?
A) You will do more stop-start driving |
C) You will be able to use more direct routes |
B) You will use far more fuel |
D) Your overall journey time will normally improve |
Answer: D
When traffic travels at a constant speed over a longer distance, journey times normally improve. You may feel that you could travel faster for short periods but this won't generally improve your overall journey time. Signs will show the maximum speed at which you should travel.
Q41. You should not normally travel on the hard shoulder of a motorway. When can you use it?
A) When taking the next exit |
C) When signs direct you to |
B) When traffic is stopped |
D) When traffic is slow moving |
Answer: C
Normally you should only use the hard shoulder for emergencies and breakdowns, and at roadworks when signs direct you to do so. Active Traffic Management (ATM) areas are being introduced to ease traffic congestion. In these areas the hard shoulder may be used as a running lane when speed limit signs are shown directly above.
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Q42. For what reason may you use the right-hand lane of a motorway? |
A) For keeping out of the way of lorries |
C) For turning right |
B) For travelling at more than 70 mph |
D) For overtaking other vehicles |
Answer: D
The right-hand lane of the motorway is for overtaking. Sometimes you may be directed into a right-hand lane as a result of roadworks or a traffic incident. This will be indicated by signs or officers directing the traffic.
Q43. On a motorway what is used to reduce traffic bunching?
A) Variable speed limits |
C) National speed limits |
B) Contraflow systems |
D) Lane closures |
Answer: A
Congestion can be reduced by keeping traffic at a constant speed. At busy times maximum speed limits are displayed on overhead gantries. These can be varied quickly depending on the amount of traffic. By keeping to a constant speed on busy sections of motorway overall journey times are normally improved.
Q44. When should you stop on a motorway?
A) If you have to read a map |
D) When told to by the police |
B) When you are tired and need a rest |
E) If your mobile phone rings |
C) If red lights show above every lane |
F) When signalled by a Highways Agency Traffic Officer |
Answer: C, D and F
There are some occasions when you may have to stop on the carriageway of a motorway. These include when being signalled by the police or a Highways Agency Traffic Officer, when flashing red lights show above every lane and in traffic jams.
Q45. When may you stop on a motorway?
A) If you have to read a map |
C) If your mobile phone rings |
B) When you are tired and need a rest |
D) In an emergency or breakdown |
Answer: D
You should not normally stop on a motorway but there may be occasions when you need to do so. If you are unfortunate enough to break down make every effort to pull up on the hard shoulder.
Q46. You are travelling on a motorway. Unless signs show a lower speed limit you must NOT exceed
A) 50 mph |
C) 70 mph |
B) 60 mph |
D) 80 mph |
Answer: C
The national speed limit for a car or motorcycle on the motorway is 70 mph. Lower speed limits may be in force, for example at roadworks, so look out for the signs. Variable speed limits operate in some areas to control very busy stretches of motorway. The speed limit may change depending on the volume of traffic.
Q47. Motorway emergency telephones are usually linked to the police. In some areas they are now linked to
A) the local ambulance service |
C) the local fire brigade |
B) an Highways Agency control centre |
D) a breakdown service control centre |
Answer: B
The controller will ask you• the make and colour of your vehicle• whether you are a member of an emergency breakdown service• the number shown on the emergency telephone casing• whether you are travelling alone.
Q48. You are on a motorway. There are red flashing lights above every lane. You must
A) pull onto the hard shoulder |
C) leave at the next exit |
B) slow down and watch for further signals |
D) stop and wait |
Answer: D
Red flashing lights above every lane mean you must not go on any further. You'll also see a red cross illuminated. Stop and wait. Don't• change lanes• continue• pull onto the hard shoulder (unless in an emergency).
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Q49. You are on a three-lane motorway. A red cross is shown above the hard shoulder and mandatory speed limits above all other lanes. This means |
A) the hard shoulder can be used as a rest area if you feel tired |
C) the hard shoulder can be used as a normal running lane |
B) the hard shoulder is for emergency or breakdown use only |
D) the hard shoulder has a speed limit of 50 mph |
Answer: B
A red cross above the hard shoulder shows it is closed as a running lane and should only be used for emergencies or breakdowns. At busy times within an Active Traffic Management (ATM) area the hard shoulder may be used as a running lane. This will be shown by a mandatory speed limit on the gantry above.
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Q50. You are on a three-lane motorway and see this sign. It means you can use |
A) any lane except the hard shoulder |
C) the three right hand lanes only |
B) the hard shoulder only |
D) all the lanes including the hard shoulder |
Answer: D
Mandatory speed limit signs above all lanes including the hard shoulder, show that you are in an Active Traffic Management (ATM) area. In this case you can use the hard shoulder as a running lane. You must stay within the speed limit shown. Look out for any vehicles that may have broken down and be blocking the hard shoulder.
Q51. You are travelling on a motorway. You decide you need a rest. You should
A) stop on the hard shoulder |
C) pull up on a slip road |
B) pull in at the nearest service area |
D) park on the central reservation |
Answer: B
If you feel tired stop at the nearest service area. If it's too far away leave the motorway at the next exit and find a safe place to stop. You must not stop on the carriageway or hard shoulder of a motorway except in an emergency, in a traffic queue, when signalled to do so by a police or enforcement officer, or by traffic signals. Plan your journey so that you have regular rest stops.
Q52. You are on a motorway. You become tired and decide you need to rest. What should you do?
A) Stop on the hard shoulder |
C) Park on the central reservation |
B) Pull up on a slip road |
D) Leave at the next exit |
Answer: D
Ideally you should plan your journey so that you have regular rest stops. If you do become tired leave at the next exit, or pull in at a service area if this is sooner.
Q53. You are towing a trailer on a motorway. What is your maximum speed limit?
A) 40 mph |
C) 60 mph |
B) 50 mph |
D) 70 mph |
Answer: C
Don't forget that you're towing a trailer. If you're towing a small, light, trailer, it won't reduce your vehicle's performance by very much. However, strong winds or buffeting from large vehicles might cause the trailer to snake from side to side. Be aware of your speed and don't exceed the lower limit imposed.
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Q54. The left-hand lane of a motorway should be used for |
A) breakdowns and emergencies only |
C) slow vehicles only |
B) overtaking slower traffic in the other lanes |
D) normal driving |
Answer: D
You should keep to the left-hand lane whenever possible. Only use the other lanes for overtaking or when directed by signals. Using other lanes when the left-hand lane is empty can frustrate drivers behind you.
Q55. You are driving on a motorway. You have to slow down quickly due to a hazard. You should
A) switch on your hazard lights |
C) sound your horn |
B) switch on your headlights |
D) flash your headlights |
Answer: A
Using your hazard lights, as well as brake lights, will give following traffic an extra warning of the problem ahead. Only use them for long enough to ensure that your warning has been seen.
Q56. You get a puncture on the motorway. You manage to get your vehicle onto the hard shoulder. You should
A) change the wheel yourself immediately |
C) try to wave down another vehicle for help |
B) use the emergency telephone and call for assistance |
D) only change the wheel if you have a passenger to help you |
Answer: B
Due to the danger from passing traffic you should park as far to the left as you can and leave the vehicle by the nearside door.Do not attempt even simple repairs. Instead walk to an emergency telephone on your side of the road and phone for assistance. While waiting for assistance to arrive wait near your car, keeping well away from the carriageway and hard shoulder.
Q57. You are driving on a motorway. By mistake, you go past the exit that you wanted to take. You should
A) carefully reverse on the hard shoulder |
C) carefully reverse in the left-hand lane |
B) carry on to the next exit |
D) make a U-turn at the next gap in the central reservation |
Answer: B
It is against the law to reverse, cross the central reservation or drive against the traffic flow on a motorway. If you have missed your exit ask yourself if your concentration is fading. It could be that you need to take a rest break before completing your journey.
Q58. You are driving at 70 mph on a three-lane motorway. There is no traffic ahead. Which lane should you use?
A) Any lane |
C) Right lane |
B) Middle lane |
D) Left lane |
Answer: D
If the left-hand lane is free you should use it, regardless of the speed you're travelling.
Q59. Your vehicle has broken down on a motorway. You are not able to stop on the hard shoulder. What should you do?
A) Switch on your hazard warning lights |
C) Attempt to repair your vehicle quickly |
B) Stop following traffic and ask for help |
D) Stand behind your vehicle to warn others |
Answer: A
If you can't get your vehicle onto the hard shoulder, use your hazard warning lights to warn others. Leave your vehicle only when you can safely get clear of the carriageway. Do not try to repair the vehicle or attempt to place any warning device on the carriageway.
Q60. Why is it particularly important to carry out a check on your vehicle before making a long motorway journey?
A) You will have to do more harsh braking on motorways |
C) The road surface will wear down the tyres faster |
B) Motorway service stations do not deal with breakdowns |
D) Continuous high speeds may increase the risk of your vehicle breaking down |
Answer: D
Before you start your journey make sure that your vehicle can cope with the demands of high-speed driving. You should check a number of things, the main ones being oil, water and tyres. You also need to plan rest stops if you're going a long way.
Q61. You are driving on a motorway. The car ahead shows its hazard lights for a short time. This tells you that
A) the driver wants you to overtake |
C) traffic ahead is slowing or stopping suddenly |
B) the other car is going to change lanes |
D) there is a police speed check ahead |
Answer: C
If the vehicle in front shows its hazard lights there may be an incident or queuing traffic ahead. As well as keeping a safe distance, look beyond it to help you get an early warning of any hazards and a picture of the situation ahead.
Q62. You are intending to leave the motorway at the next exit. Before you reach the exit you should normally position your vehicle
A) in the middle lane |
C) on the hard shoulder |
B) in the left-hand lane |
D) in any lane |
Answer: B
You'll see the first advance direction sign one mile from the exit. If you're travelling at 60 mph in the right-hand lane you'll only have about 50 seconds before you reach the countdown markers. There will be another sign at the half-mile point. Move in to the left-hand lane in good time. Don't cut across traffic at the last moment and don't risk missing your exit.
Q63. As a provisional licence holder you should not drive a car
A) over 30 mph |
C) on the motorway |
B) at night |
D) with passengers in rear seats |
Answer: C
When you've passed your practical test ask your instructor to take you for a lesson on the motorway. You'll need to get used to the speed of traffic and how to deal with multiple lanes. The Pass Plus scheme has been created for new drivers, and includes motorway driving. Ask your ADI for details.
Q64. Your vehicle breaks down on the hard shoulder of a motorway. You decide to use your mobile phone to call for help. You should
A) stand at the rear of the vehicle while making the call |
C) get out of the vehicle by the right-hand door |
B) try to repair the vehicle yourself |
D) check your location from the marker posts on the left |
Answer: D
The emergency services need to know your exact location so they can reach you as quickly as possible. Look for a number on the nearest marker post beside the hard shoulder. Give this number when you call the emergency services as it will help them to locate you. Be ready to describe where you are, for example, by reference to the last junction or service station you passed.
Q65. You are on a three-lane motorway towing a trailer. You may use the right-hand lane when
A) there are lane closures |
C) you can maintain a high speed |
B) there is slow moving traffic |
D) large vehicles are in the left and centre lanes |
Answer: A
If you are towing a caravan or trailer you must not use the right-hand lane on a motorway with three or more lanes, except in certain circumstances, such as lane closures.
Q66. You are on a motorway. There is a contraflow system ahead. What would you expect to find?
A) Temporary traffic lights |
C) Wider lanes than normal |
B) Lower speed limits |
D) Speed humps |
Answer: B
When approaching a contraflow system reduce speed in good time and obey all speed limits. You may be travelling in a narrower lane than normal with no permanent barrier between you and the oncoming traffic. Be aware that the hard shoulder may be used for traffic and the road ahead could be obstructed by slow-moving or broken down vehicles.
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Q67. On a motorway you may only stop on the hard shoulder |
A) in an emergency |
C) if you miss the exit that you wanted |
B) if you feel tired and need to rest |
D) to pick up a hitchhiker |
Answer: A
You should only stop on the hard shoulder in a genuine emergency. DON'T stop on it to have a rest or picnic, pick up hitchhikers, answer a mobile phone or check a map. If you miss your intended exit carry on to the next, never reverse along the hard shoulder.
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