Just Driving > Driving Theory Test Question Bank > Alertness
Q1. Before you make a U-turn in the road, you should
A) give an arm signal as well as using your indicators |
C) signal so that other drivers can slow down for you |
B) look over your shoulder for a final check |
D) select a higher gear than normal |
Answer: B
Make sure that the road is wide enough to carry out the U-turn, look in both directions and be aware of any possible hazards
Q2. In which of these situations should you avoid overtaking?
A) Just after a bend |
C) Approaching a dip in the road |
B) In a one-way street |
D) On a 30 mph road |
Answer: C
Ak yourself if overtaking is really necessary before you do so. Stay well back from the vehicle in front and make sure you have a good stretch to overtake
Q3. Your mobile phone rings while you are travelling. You should
A) pull up in a suitable place |
C) stop immediately |
B) answer it immediately |
D) pull up at the nearest kerb |
Answer: A
Q4. Why are these yellow lines painted across the road? |
A) To help you choose the correct lane |
C) To make you aware of your speed |
B) To help you keep the correct separation distance |
D) To tell you the distance to the roundabout |
Answer: C
Q5.Which of the following should you do before stopping?
A) Use the mirrors |
C) Select a higher gear |
B) Sound the horn |
D) Flash your headlights |
Answer: A
Q6. When following a large vehicle you should keep well back because this
A) allows you to corner more quickly |
C) allows the driver to see you in the mirrors |
B) helps the large vehicle to stop more easily |
D) helps you to keep out of the wind |
Answer: C
Q7. When you see a hazard ahead you should use the mirrors. Why is this?
A) Because you will need to accelerate out of danger |
C) Because you will need to brake sharply to a stop |
B) To assess how your actions will affect following traffic |
D) To check what is happening on the road ahead |
Answer: B
Q8. You are waiting to turn right at the end of a road. Your view is obstructed by parked vehicles. What should you do?
A) Stop and then move forward slowly and carefully for a proper view |
C) Wait for a pedestrian to let you know when it is safe for you to emerge |
B) Move quickly to where you can see so you only block traffic from one direction |
D) Turn your vehicle around immediately and find another junction to use |
Answer: A
Q9. Objects hanging from your interior mirror may
A) improve your driving |
C) distract your attention |
B) restrict your view |
D) help your concentration |
Answer: B and C
Q10. You are approaching traffic lights that have been on green for some time. You should
A) accelerate hard |
C) be ready to stop |
B) maintain your speed |
D) brake hard |
Answer: C
Q11. Which of the following may cause loss of concentration on a long journey?
A) Loud music |
D) Putting in a cassette tape |
B) Arguing with a passenger |
E) Stopping regularly to rest |
C) Using a mobile phone |
F) leave the motorway and find a safe place to stop |
Answer: A, B, C and D
Q12. On a long motorway journey boredom can cause you to feel sleepy. You should
A) leave the motorway and find a safe place to stop |
D) ensure a supply of fresh air into your vehicle |
B) keep looking around at the surrounding landscape |
E) stop on the hard shoulder for a rest |
C) drive faster to complete your journey sooner |
Answer: A and D
Q13. This road marking warns |
A) drivers to use the hard shoulder |
C) overtaking drivers to move back to the left |
B) overtaking drivers there is a bend to the left |
D) drivers that it is safe to overtake |
Answer: C
Q14. You are driving at dusk. You should switch your lights on
A) even when street lights are not lit |
C) only when others have done so |
B) so others can see you |
D) only when street lights are lit |
Answer: A and B
Q15. You are most likely to lose concentration when driving if you
A) use a mobile phone |
C) switch on the heated rear window |
B) listen to very loud music |
D) look at the door mirrors |
Answer: A and B
Q16. Which FOUR are most likely to cause you to lose concentration while you are driving?
A) Using a mobile phone |
D) Looking at a map |
B) Talking into a microphone |
E) Checking the mirrors |
C) Tuning your car radio |
F) Using the demisters |
Answer: A, B, C and D
Q17. You are driving on a wet road. You have to stop your vehicle in an emergency. You should
A) apply the handbrake and footbrake together |
C) select reverse gear |
B) keep both hands on the wheel |
D) give an arm signal |
Answer: B
Q18. When you are moving off from behind a parked car you should
A) look round before you move off |
D) use the exterior mirrors only |
B) use all the mirrors on the vehicle |
E) look round after moving off |
C) give a signal if necessary |
F) give a signal after moving off |
Answer: A, B and C
Q19. You are travelling along this narrow country road. When passing the cyclist you should go |
A) slowly, sounding the horn as you pass |
C) slowly, leaving plenty of room |
B) quickly, leaving plenty of room |
D) quickly, sounding the horn as you pass |
Answer: C
Q20. You should ONLY use a mobile phone when
A) receiving a call |
C) driving at less than 30 mph |
B) suitably parked |
D) driving an automatic vehicle |
Answer: B
Q21. Your vehicle is fitted with a hand-held telephone. To use the telephone you should
A) reduce your speed |
C) steer the vehicle with one hand |
B) find a safe place to stop |
D) be particularly careful at junctions |
Answer: B
Q22. To answer a call on your mobile phone while travelling you should
A) reduce your speed wherever you are |
C) keep the call time to a minimum |
B) slow down and allow others to overtake |
D) stop in a proper and convenient place |
Answer: D
Q23. You lose your way on a busy road. What is the best action to take?
A) Stop at traffic lights and ask pedestrians |
C) Turn into a side road, stop and check a map |
B) Shout to other drivers to ask them the way |
D) Check a map, and keep going with the traffic flow |
Answer: C
Find a safe place to pull over and take a look at your map.You may even want to ask a for directions from a local.
Q24. Windscreen pillars can obstruct your view. You should take particular care when
A) driving on a motorway |
C) approaching a one-way street |
B) driving on a dual carriageway |
D) approaching bends and junctions |
Answer: D
Q25. You cannot see clearly behind when reversing. What should you do?
A) Ask someone to guide you |
C) Look in the nearside mirror |
B) Open the door and look behind |
D) Open your window to look behind |
Answer: A.
Q26. What does the term 'blind spot' mean for a driver?
A) An area covered by your right-hand mirror |
C) An area covered by your left-hand mirror |
B) An area not covered by your headlights |
D) An area not covered by your mirrors |
Answer: D
Q27. Your vehicle is fitted with a hands-free phone system. Using this equipment whilst driving
A) is quite safe as long as you slow down |
C) is recommended by The Highway Code |
B) could distract your attention from the road |
D) could be very good for road safety |
Answer: B
Q28. Using a hands-free phone is likely to
A) improve your safety |
C) divert your attention |
B) increase your concentration |
D) reduce your view |
Answer: C
Q29. What is the safest way to use a mobile phone in your vehicle?
A) Use hands-free equipment |
C) Drive slowly on a quiet road |
B) Find a suitable place to stop |
D) Direct your call through the operator |
Answer: B
Q30. Your mobile phone rings while you are on the motorway. Before answering you should
A) reduce your speed to 30 mph |
C) move into the left-hand lane |
B) pull up on the hard shoulder |
D) stop in a safe place |
Answer: D
Q31. You are turning right onto a dual carriageway. What should you do before emerging?
A) Stop, apply the handbrake and then select a low gear |
C) Check that the central reservation is wide enough for your vehicle |
B) Position your vehicle well to the left of the side road |
D) Make sure that you leave enough room for a vehicle behind |
Answer: C
Q32. When emerging from junctions, which is most likely to obstruct your view?
A) Windscreen pillars |
C) Interior mirror |
B) Steering wheel |
D) Windscreen wipers |
Answer: A
Q33. Your vehicle is fitted with a navigation system. How should you avoid letting this distract you while driving?
A) Keep going and input your destination into the system |
C) Stop immediately to view and use the system |
B) Keep going as the system will adjust to your route |
D) Stop in a safe place before using the system |
Answer: D
Q34. You are driving on a motorway and want to use your mobile phone. What should you do?
A) Try to find a safe place on the hard shoulder |
C) Use the next exit and pull up on the slip road |
B) Leave the motorway and stop in a safe place |
D) Move to the left lane and reduce your speed |
Answer: B
Q35. You must not use a hand-held phone while driving. Using a hands-free system
A) is acceptable in a vehicle with power steering |
C) will affect your vehicle's electronic systems |
B) will significantly reduce your field of vision |
D) is still likely to distract your attention from the road |
Answer: D
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