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Show me tell me questions explained

The show me tell me questions are designed to test your knowledge on the basic safety and maintenance aspect of a car. These are asked before you set off driving on your driving test, there are nineteen show me tell me questions and you‘ll be asked two of them. Failure to answer these questions correctly can result in a minor fault, which is something that you can avoid getting by watching the show me tell me questions videos and learning the answers to the questions.

There are ten possible 'tell me' questions you may be asked. If you were asked one of these you would have to tell the examiner what you would do, not demonstrate. An example of a ‘tell me’ question would be:

Open the bonnet, identify where you would check the engine coolant level and tell me how you would check that the engine has the correct level.

Some of the ‘tell me’ questions may ask you also to identify where something is, as this one does. It's a good idea when on your driving lessons to ask the instructor to help you identify where the following items are under the bonnet of the car:

  • engine coolant tank
  • the water reservoir
  • the engine oil dipstick
  • brake fluid reservoir

Identifying where these are will help you to answer four of the questions. But you also need to know how to check if they're at the appropriate level to get them correct. Ask your instructor how to identify this if you're unsure and they should be able to tell you. In addition to this you can also find show me tell me question videos online which should explain in greater detail.

If there are 10 'tell me' questions, this leaves nine 'show me' questions. The ‘show me’ questions involve you demonstrating something to the examiner. An example of a ‘show me’ question would be:

Show me / explain how you would check that the power assisted steering is working before starting a journey.

In this instance you have to show the examiner how you would tell if the power assisted steering was working whilst explaining what you’re doing.

Although it's not your instructor's responsibility to teach you the show me tell me questions, they will be happy to answer any queries you have about them when on your driving lessons Wakefield. Look at the questions well before your driving test so you're able to ask any questions you have before the day of your driving test.

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