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The 4 myths of Driving Lessons Sheffield

Many myths are flying around about a number of different issues, some about Driving Lessons in Sheffield, others about raising the driving age in Sheffield!

Examiners are only allowed to pass so many learners a day!

This is one of the biggest myths been told and people start to think that if you take your test earlier in the day then you're more likely to pass. This is a false statement and as long as you drive correctly on your test then you will pass no matter what time of the day you take it. However we would recommend you to book your test at a time when the road is quietest because although you will always get cars on the road, the more traffic you have the more you have to deal with. Sheffield is a busy place, so you could do without the rush hour traffic to deal with as well when on your driving test.

You should be doing your manoeuvres after 5 Driving Lessons!

After 5 Driving Lessons you should only just have started to turn left and right, and not have even thought about your manoeuvres. If your Driving Instructor is doing your manoeuvres after 5 Lessons then you need to start thinking how far you actually are with your Driving Lessons in Sheffield. Some Instructors try to make you do the advanced things first so you think they're teaching you really quickly, but in fact they're delaying your learning because you can't drive independently and your instructor is constantly assisting you.

Driving Schools make you have more Lessons than you need

This is another false statement. Driving Schools give you the amount of Driving Lessons Sheffield you need to be able to pass your test. Some people learn a lot quicker than others and therefore need more tuition and this is something your instructors will decide. Sheffield is a very complicated area and you need to make sure that you can deal with everything within the area.

They're raising the age of driving to 18!

An Act of parliament needs to be passed before any such thing could happen and at the moment there are no plans to pass one. However MP's have been talking about this and different proposals are been made to what should happen if anything. The most popular idea at the moment is the 'graduated licence' scheme and this would mean that drivers aged 17-19 wouldn't be able to drive after a certain time on a night and carry anymore than one passenger at any given time. This is still in the early stages of development so it is not something that is coming into effect within the next few years. The age of driving is still 17 and will be for the foreseeable future within the area of Sheffield.

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