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How our Driving Instructors Sheffield keep their garage bills down
In this day and age everybody has a car and because of this garages are thriving on people's repair bills. Our Driving Instructors Sheffield want to share the secrets of how they keep their garage bills down.
If you have just bought a brand new car then you have to not over do the car during the break-in period. The break-in period is the first 1,000 miles or so of your new car. For this period our driving instructors would recommend that you avoid doing certain things to prolong you cars life and keep your garage bills down:
- Firstly, don't exceed 55 miles per hour within the break-in period. Just like you before exercising your car must warm up before you use it at power.
- Don't allow your new car to be stood for long periods of time, I'm sure this won't be a problem within the first few weeks, but once the novelty has worn off you must still do this. Try and have you car running for a little while everyday.
- For the first few hours of driving keep the acceleration light , try to keep it below 3,00 revolutions per minute.
If you have an old car with more mileage on the clock, or after you passed the break-in period of your car we have a few more tips from our driving instructors in Sheffield to keep your car out of the garage and the money in your pocket:
- When you first start your car don't race the engine too much, within the first 10 to 20 minutes of a car is when most wear is done to the engine. Accelerate at a steady speed and your car will last a lot longer.
- Make your tyres last longer by avoiding fast stops and starts as well as avoiding hitting the curb. If the tracking is off on your car be sure to get it fixed because this can also burn down your tyres very quickly.
- Choosing a good car insurer will ensure that in the unfortunate event of an accident you don't have to worry about
whether the car will be repaired correctly.
- Use floor mats this winter, let them take the snow and not your cars floor because they are a lot cheaper to replace than your car interior's floor.
many driving instructors Sheffield have a lot more useful tips that you will learn when on your driving lessons, so listen out and ask questions about anything you are unsure about.
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