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Preparing For Independent Driving on Your Driving Lessons in Manchester

The independent driving section of your driving test in a newly introduced thing and is nothing to worry about and you will be briefed and prepared by your instructor. There are two types of exercises but the examiner will only ask you to do one on the independent driving section of your driving test, however you will practice on your driving lessons.

The first of the two exercises is a simple sign following exercise. You will prepare for this on your driving lessons by simply following signs. On the test your examiner will ask you to pull over and instruct you to follow the signs for a certain place. You must then follow road signs without your instructor telling you where to turn or what exit to take on a roundabout.

The second exercise is slightly different as it does not involve reading road signs however you still have to follow directions. Your examiner will again ask you to pull over but instead of following road signs you will be shown diagrams of where they want you to go. The directions will be on A4 pieces of paper and will show the road around you marking the road they want you to travel on in red.

Preparing for this section of the test is quite easy but nevertheless should be done as it can add pressure to the day of your test if you aren't sure what you need to do. You practice both exercises, the first by simply following signs your instructor says and the second by looking at diagrams your instructor will prepare and following them.

The independent driving section of the test isn't a memory test or a test of your sense of direction so don't worry if you go the wrong way or forget where you’re supposed to be going. If you can't remember where you have been told to go just ask your examiner and they will remind you. Similarly if you go the wrong way don't panic or think you have failed, you haven't, and your examiner will just get you back on track.

If you can go the correct way it is better as the longer your test goes on for the more chance you have to make mistakes.

The independent driving section of your test is nothing to worry about and preparing for it before hand on your driving lessons in Manchester will help you a huge amount.

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