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How The Pass Plus Course Differs From Driving Lessons in Manchester

The pass plus course slightly differs from your driving lessons in Manchester as it teaches things that aren't on the normal driving syllabus. The pass plus is an additional course which you can choose to do after your driving lessons to lower your insurance and give you experience in the things your compulsory driving course doesn't.

The pass plus course is 6 hours long and is carried out by your ADI (approved driving instructor). This course can be taken at anytime but it's more useful for new drivers to take it straight away as it teachers driving skills that the normal driving course doesn't cover.

On the pass plus course you will have 6 modules to cover over a period of 6 hours:

  • Town driving
  • All weather driving
  • Rural road driving
  • Night driving
  • Driving on dual carriage ways
  • Motorway driving

All of these modules aren't on your driving test but are important modules that you will almost surely encounter throughout your driving life.

Town driving is difficult and most people try to avoid driving in city centres due to the lack of experience on the one way system. Most large city run on a one way system called the city centre loop which is a one way road which loops around the city centre. This confuses a lot of drivers, even experienced ones can struggle in town centres as it is not something they're use to. The pass plus course helps you gain the vital experience needed in town centres and 1 hour of your course is spent driving in and around the city centre. This is something you probably won't touch on with your driving lessons Manchester as it's not on the main driving syllabus.

All weather driving is hard to practice as you can't control what the weather is going to be like on the day of your course. However you can learn in theory how to handle bad weather conditions and if you're lucky you may be able to practice! This is an essential module as at some point in your driving life you will face bad weather conditions.

Rural road driving is the next module of the pass plus course. Rural road driving is slightly different to normal driving as the roads can be thinner and you must watch out for things such as tractors and animals. You probably won't encounter rural roads on your driving lessons unless you live in a rural town.

Tips for when driving at night are very useful for new drivers as this is something that you won't have done before on your lessons. Visibility is hugely reduced on a night and you must take more caution when driving.

Dual carriage ways aren't few and far between and you will have probably have travelled on these before without even realising it. However on your pass plus course you're taken to a dual carriage ways and shown the correct procedures and how to behave on them in more detail as you may have been taught on your lessons.

Motorway driving is the final module and although some of the procedures are similar to that of a dual carriage way the speed limits are usually higher and the traffic moves a lot faster. You are taught how to correctly come on and off a motorway as well as how to change lanes.

Your pass plus course does give you some vital skills and differs from your driving lessons in Manchester through the content you're taught.

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