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What Makes A Good Driver?

There are hundreds of good drivers on the road in the UK today, but for every good driver, there is unfortunately a bad one to match. Imagine a road with only good drivers; accidents would be limited to an absolute minimum, if at all! But what makes a good driver and how can you make sure that you become one if you aren’t already

  1. Concentration

  2. Concentration is the first key to been a good driver. When driving your mind should be nowhere else but the road as a lack of concentration is a major cause of accidents all over the UK. A lack of concentration can be caused by the use of a mobile phone or even considering what you are going to have to eat later that evening. Some motorists are more easily distracted than others but drivers who keep their minds on the road are generally the better ones.

  3. Driving Tired is Equally as Dangerous as Drink Driving!

  4. You should never get behind the wheel after sleep deprivation. Someone who drives after been awake for 24 hours is equally as dangerous as someone with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.10% which is over the legal limit by 25%!

  5. Knowing New Driving Laws

  6. Keep up to date on driving legislation as it is constantly chaning. Many years ago the use of a mobile phone whilst driving was legal, as was not wearing a seat belt. To be a good, law abiding driver you need to be well informed of new laws that may come into force.

  7. Planning Ahead

  8. This should be stressed hugely on your driving lessons, not only is it vital to been a good driver, it is also a key ingredient to passing your driving test. Only looking at the car in front gives you no awareness of what may lie ahead, meaning you are unable to plan and take action based on the circumstances. This is explained thoroughly on your lessons but you shouldn’t stop planning even after you are a proud owner of a shiny pink licence.

  9. Getting Good Tuition

  10. Getting taught correctly in the first place is also crucial to been a good driver. Whether you take driving lessons in Leeds, or in London you should be taught in accordance with the DSA driving syllabus by a registered instructor. This is the same all over the UK and without this proper tuition and guidance you will never know how to drive correctly irrespective of the above.

So, do you think you are a good driver? Many people think they are and only when they read this do they realise they aren’t as good as they first believed. No one is a perfect driver, but everyone can be a good, safe driver just by following the above and putting into practice what they are taught on their driving lessons.

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