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Tips for test driving a car

When looking to purchase a car it's advised that you take it for a test drive before committing to buy it. Taking a test drive in a vehicle ensures that you like the way the car feel and you enjoy driving it. It may also outline any underlying problems with the car that you normally wouldn't be able to see if it was stationary. Here are a few tips to help you decide if the car is the right one for you whilst you're test driving it.

First, think about what you will use the car for mainly. Do you drive down the motorway a lot or are you more of a city driver? Depending on the primary use of the car will depend where you should test the car for longer. You should take the vehicle for at least a half an hour drive and test it on all different kinds of roads. Split this half an hour up into sections and spend longer on the roads you will use the most.

By sitting in a stationary car you can't really tell if it will be a comfortable drive or not, and that's why it's vital to test drive a car when considering buying it. Adjust the seat and the steering column to a comfortable position before you start your test drive and make sure it remains comfortable even when driving.

Another good tip is to take a look around the car to see if it has any blind spots that may jeopardise safety when driving or parking, the best way to really test this is to try reversing into a parking space to make sure the rear visibility is good. This is something that wouldn't be blatantly obvious when stationary in a car and only becomes obvious when put into practice.

The way a car performs can tell you a lot about the condition of it and maybe even outline any underlying problem. The next tip is to find a safe place and test the braking, acceleration and turning of the vehicle. Making sure that it handles and performs as it should do is important, an excellent example of a well performing car is the vehicle you drive when on your driving lessons Leeds as they are well maintained and kept.

Comfort of your passengers is also very important in a car so when you have finished your test drive take a seat in the front passenger’s seat and the back, if are any.

Listen out for any unusual noises or sounds throughout the whole duration of your test drive. Any unusual noises may indicate there is something wrong with the car and this is never a good sign.

If you're viewing a number of different cars then try to test drive them all on the same day. This way all the cars are fresh in your memory and you can make an informed choice using what you liked and disliked about all the cars you’ve test drove. You should find that when on your driving lessons in Leeds you can ask your instructor for more tips when test driving a car.

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