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The Manoeuvres Driving Instructors in Leeds Teach For Your Driving Test
There are four manoeuvres that will be taught by your driving instructors in Leeds:
- Turn in the road
- Reverse around a corner
- Parallel park
- Bay parking
The top three manoeuvres in the list above are tested in all UK test centres, bay parking can of course only be tested with a bay to park in! Only certain test centres have this facility and therefore only certain ones will asses pupils on it.
The first is a turn in the road, this is the one that most pupils find easiest and hope for on the day of their test. Driving instructors Leeds find that pupils pick this manoeuvre up the easiest as it’s very simple; you can do it in as many turns as you would like and you don’t have to try to guide the car into a specific area, avoiding obstacles.
The next one is reverse around the corner, and this is probably one of the harder ones that pupils don’t wish for on their driving test. Certain reference points are used when turning around the corner to assist you and these tell you when to turn the wheel. However this point differs depending on the angle of the corner which is when it becomes difficult, hence why it isn’t preferred with pupils. Driving instructors in Leeds find that this skill takes longer to master for most pupils, so don’t worry if you’re struggling with it.
A parallel park is the next manoeuvre and this can be said to be like Marmite, pupils either love it or hate it! It can sometimes be done with one car at the front and one at the back, or just one in front. Parking between two cars is a lot harder as you don’t have as much room for error. Some pupils find this quite difficult, but the more you practice the more you start to understand how to do carry it out correctly.
Bay parking is the last manoeuvre and this is a less common one to be assessed as test centre need to have a pay to park in, however it is a skill that every driver will use at some point and most even ask to practice bay parking with their driving instructors in Leeds off their own accord. No one shows you how to bay park once you have passed your driving test, it takes years of driving to perfect it, but it’s made much easier if you ask to be taught the skill by your professional driving instructors Leeds.
There you have all the manoeuvres that may be assessed on your driving test. Driving instructors teach these all the time and are always advancing their knowledge on how to make pupils understand them easier. If there is any particular part of driving that confuses you, such as a certain manoeuvre, communicate with your driving instructor and bring this to their attention so they can help you by making clear what you need to do differently.
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