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The difference between cheap and expensive driving instructors in Leeds

When buying materialist items such as clothes and furniture you pay for what you get and the proof of what you get is right there in front of you. Whereas when you're buying a service such as paying for driving instructors in Leeds you can't tell whether you're getting good cheap driving tuition, bad expensive driving tuition or vice versa!

Only to the professional eyes can bad and good driving tuition be spotted and therefore we want to give you a few pointers on how to spot good driving instructors Leeds who give good driving tuition.

The average hourly rate that driving instructors in Leeds charge is around 20 pounds, some a little more, others a little less and I would try to stick with paying around this hourly rate. If you're paying £10 an hour or £40 you must ask yourself why is this? If you live further down south the cost of driving lessons will gradually start to increase as the cost of living is a lot greater.

Spotting a good driving instructor is hard to the untrained eye, however there are a number of things that a driving instructor is trained to do. Your Leeds driving instructors should be able to spot where you're going wrong with a driving manoeuvre or procedure and then tell you how to fix it. The more experienced an instructor is the faster he will pick up the flaw and the quicker you will be able to sort it out.

Your driving instructors Leeds should also spot potential hazards on the road before they become dangerous. An inexperienced learner wouldn't be able to see these hazards whereas an experienced driver such as your instructor should spot them straight away. You shouldn't find yourself in dangerous situations when on your driving tuition and you're paying your instructor to keep you safe whilst you learn.

Try to avoid paying top and rock bottom prices for your driving instructors as you don't know what you're getting. Book with a respectable school within the area and don't book solely on how cheap the hourly rate is.

The point made here is that the difference between cheap and expensive driving instructors in Leeds can vary from the cheaper ones been better that the more expensive ones! Expensive tuition doesn't automatically mean good, do your research on your chosen instructor and see if their name comes up anywhere. Even book with instructors that have been recommended to you!

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