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Situations Where You Don't Have Right of Way
There are certain situations on your driving lessons where you won’t have right of way, and it's a good idea to get some general knowledge on this before you book with your driving schools. The following situations you won’t, under normal circumstances, have right of way.
Firstly when emerging from a junction you don’t have right of way. This could be indicated by give way lines, however small back streets may not have these lines and you have to read the road to realise it's an emerge. Emerges on to busy main roads will almost certainly have give way lines, and sometimes even chicanes use give way lines to show who has priority.
At a roundabout the general rule is that you give way to traffic coming from the right of the roundabout. There aren’t any exceptions to this other than if the roundabout is traffic light controlled and you have the green light to continue.
You also don’t have right of way at a zebra crossing. If you see a person standing on the edge of a zebra crossing you must stop and let them cross. There will be slightly different give way lines to show this, all of which are in the Highway Code and taught on your driving lessons. You won’t have right of way at any pedestrian crossings, unless it’s a traffic light controlled one and the light is green. All crossings are explained in the Code, which is another important reason to read it!
Another situation where you are obliged to give way is on a slip road. Although there is no rule on this, a polite driver would move into an outer lane to let in a car joining from a slip road. It's the driver responsibility who is joining the road to find a slot, although you will find good practice is giving way to them.
In the last situation, no one has right of way, and this is at an unmarked cross-road. You shouldn’t go along one of these thinking that the other roads are emerging on to yours, there not and you must plan and scan for them to slow down, looking both ways before crossing. Failing to do this will be a serious fault on your driving test and an instant fail as it’s very dangerous. This will be highlighted by all driving instructors so you shouldn’t worry too much about not been taught this.
There are many other situations that you may not have right of way that you will experience on your driving tuition. You may be able to ask for more information from your driving schools in Leeds, however most place a lot of their knowledge online.
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