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Contracts That Are Formed Between Pupils and Driving Instructors in Leeds
You may not notice but you form contracts pretty much every day of the week, as do driving instructors with pupils. This may seem strange but it's true, usually people see a contract as something written that you have to sign but this isn't always the case as contracts can be made orally and by a person's conduct, as most are.
A contract is formed when an agreement is made, and an agreement consists of both offer and acceptance. There are a few different types of contracts but the one you make with your driving instructors in Leeds is called a bilateral contract, this is where two parties are involved in the contract, one is the offeror and the other is the offeree. When your driving instructor offers to take you on your driving lessons, you hand over the money for the lessons and a contract is formed by your conduct. Not only do pupils do this with their driving instructors in Leeds but they also do it with shop assistants when buying items over the till, and other day-to-day situations.
Of course there are some complications in law in defining who makes the offer and who accepts the offer, an example of this is an invitation to treat where the person instigates you to make an offer, window shopping is seen as an invitation to treat and you make the offer when you approach the till, they just merely accept it. In the above scenario it is pretty straightforward, when your driving instructor pulls up outside your house and offers to take you on your driving lessons, you paying is accepting his offer by your conduct.
It can be very complicated yes, but the top and bottom of it is that you're making contracts everyday and these contracts are essential to everyday tasks, such as driving lessons. It is helpful for driving instructors Leeds to know a little about contract law as they are always making contracts with the clients they take. Some find it quite amazing how contract law can affect everyday life, from doing the weekly shop, all the way to learning how to drive.
Driving instructors in Leeds find that knowing this area of law is very useful as a consumer, you would be surprised how many people don’t know the law and just accept what they are being told. Making sure you know the contract that is in place between you and your driving instructor is important and it shouldn’t be overlooked!
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