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5 Frequent Learning Problems on Driving Lessons Leeds

The various learning problems that pupils encounter on their driving lessons can differ from person to person. As one pupil may struggle with roundabouts, another may struggle with emerging from junctions. However there are a few frequent learning problems that most pupils have in common:

  1. First, clutch control. A frequent learning problem that pupils have is understanding how the clutch works. Finding the biting point and applying enough gas is something that a lot of pupils struggle with, a lot of practice is needed to perfect this skill and in the end pupils do get to grips with it.
  2. Changing gears is the next frequent learning problem. Learning to drive is unlike anything that most have done in their life, hence why it is hard to do. With experience changing gears becomes second nature, however at the start most pupils have problems with when to change gears. It's a problem that is easily overcome with practice and it is perfectly normal to struggle with them.
  3. Scanning and planning is a vital driving skill, but is something that doesn't come second nature. Poor planning and scanning is a problem that most pupils encounter and looking out for dangers on the road can help you with planning your next move. You can even practice planning and scanning on your driving theory test with the hazard perception section, although you may have passed this, controlling a car at the same time is much harder as you will find out on your driving lessons in Leeds.
  4. Learning to control and maintain your speed is difficult and many people fail their driving test for speeding. This is the fourth most frequent learning problem that pupils encounter on their driving lessons Leeds. Examiners like to see a steady speed maintained which is very close to the speed limit, just one or two miles per hour under.
  5. The final frequent learning problem is the manoeuvres you have to learn for your driving test. Many pupils struggle with manoeuvres and they are very hard to master to get correct every time. As long as you can see when the manoeuvre starts going wrong and correct it you should have no problem passing this part of your test.

There you have the 5 most frequent learning problems that are encountered on your driving lessons. This may not necessarily mean that you will encounter these problems, they are just the more frequent ones that you may need more practice on your driving lessons in Leeds.

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