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Why tyre pressure is important

You must make sure your tyre pressure is as it needs to be when you have your own car, otherwise you could be spending a lot more money that you need to be leading up to Christmas!

It’s getting close to the festive season and you may be getting a new set of tyres for Christmas due to your tyre pressure isn't as it should be. It is very easy to maintain your tyre pressure and can save you money and even lives!

Under inflated tyre don't roll as smooth, meaning that you will use more fuel trying to push them along the road. Most petrol stations have air for your tyres and it cost a small amount to pump them up, sometimes it’s free. Ideally you should check your tyre pressure every other time you go to the petrol station to make sure you're getting the miles from your petrol. This may be something you don't think about on your Driving Lessons Bradford and why would you? But it's something you need to think about when you get your own car.

Every car comes with a user’s manual, and this is where you will find the appropriate level to pump your tyres up to. Be careful not to over inflate them because this causes the edge of the tyre to raise of the ground and you get excessive wear in the middle of your tyres. Have a read of the user’s manual and get clued up on the maintenance of your car.

Not having your tyres pumped up to the correct air pressure can also cause them to wear down a lot quicker. You then need to replace your tyres and this isn't cheap. Don't travel knowing that your tyres are below the legal limit because if you are pulled over you can get 3 points on your licence for every tyre, which is a driving suspension for 6 months if all your tyres are illegal.

As well as using more fuel and maybe a driving ban, under inflated tyres don't have as much grip to the road which may cause you to slip off the road and injure yourself. On your Driving Lessons in Bradford you always have maximum grip to the road because the tyres are maintained well.

Under inflated tyres can cause you a lot of unnecessary problems so next time you go to the petrol station, be sure to check your tyre pressure is topped up to what it should be and you will have save and cheaper journeys all over the UK.

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