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Benefits of cleaning your own car
Car owners choose to take their car to car washes instead of getting the bucket and sponge out and cleaning it themselves.
There are a number of benefits to cleaning your own car. When on your Driving Lessons Bradford you may have noticed how clean your instructor’s car is and they don't use car washes. Washing your car at home is a something that everyone is starting to do now and there are a few reasons for this:
- Cheaper, people are struggling for money now more than ever and nobody wants to go pay the process that car washes are charging when they can just do it themselves on a nice sunny day. Many car owners find washing their car very therapeutic and relaxing so they don't mind doing it.
- Avoid damage to your car, many hand car washes don't care how rough and careless they are with a lance because it’s not their car and machine car washes are even worse! Avoid having to buy some touch up or even worse re-spraying your care and wash it yourself. You will take care when washing and get a better end result.
- Better result, washing your own car you will get miles better results because it won't be rushed. You can take your time and make sure it gets done properly.
- Choose the cleaning products, when you wash your own car you choose what to put on it. You can buy the best cleaning products instead of the cheap ones all the other car washes use that don't make it shine like you will!
- Protect your car! Unfortunately you can't trust every single car wash place and people have been known to have their vehicles stolen from them whilst their backs were turned. You don't know who is washing your car but you have to trust them, or alternatively wash it yourself.
It is very easy to wash your own car, all you need is a bucket and a sponge and your on your way! When taking your Driving Lessons in Bradford ask your instructor if they do wash their on car and what they use.
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